NEW for JUNE & JULY, 2019 — Enjoy this FREE E-Books.
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Celestials Out Of Silence
Published earlier this year on Amazon Kindle is here, free, for download. This continues the story from CELESTIALS OVER CINCINNATI as the author explores the world of celestial teacher contact from 1996-2019. Includes lessons from a new wave of celestial personalities to help in this time of planetary correction and redemption.
Most High
Teaching Mission conference in Niagara Falls, NY, 2003, was followed up with this publication that’s rich in celestial transmissions.
Website designed by Gwendolyn Cleveland
Web-Master/Designer: Hensel Graphics
© Jim Cleveland 2017
More Books
A Most High in the spiritual hierarchy explains the 12 angelic sectors of the Seraphic Planetary Government, in historic previously-unpublished transmissions through the late and graduated Gerdean O’Dell.
NEW for MARCH — Enjoy this FREE E-Books.
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Living Waters
Teachers of
the Light
Produced in 1996, captures the new wave of celestial teachers in their early years, laying down the basic curriculum. Includes transmissions from across the country.
NEW for FALL, 2019 — Enjoy these FREE E-Books.
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Hard-edged Q&A between a pessimistic human and celestial teachers called The One Team. Dictated responses to questions washed in anger and frustration.
A downloadable PDF of the 2,196 page Revelation that explains the universe and your place in it.
NEW for WINTER, 2019-2020 — Enjoy these FREE E-Books.
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Lyrical poetry with Jim Cleveland and Celestial artisan assistance. Includes new spirituality ideas, romance and humor. Volume one is also free on this site.
My suspense thriller and sequel to "The Alien Intimacies," which is also free on this site. Characters includes benevolent extraterrestrials from the Pleiades and one violent rebel on a mysterious, rebellious quest which leads to plot twists and a bullet-riddled climax.
NEW for SPRING, 2020 — Enjoy these FREE E-Books.
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ON TOP OF IT; Rising Above the Common Mind. Here's my 2019 e-book of essays on the challenges and opportunities of our volatile apocalyptic times — explaining the human ascension plan and our place in it.
NEW for 2021 — Enjoy these FREE E-Books.
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Teaching Mission Early History Review, by Anthony Porzio and Jim Cleveland.
An introductory presentation of the Melchizedek Teaching Mission program that is believed to be a secondary phase of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, called The Urantia Book.
Beyond Cynicism
The Urantia Book
Celestial Songbook 2
Edge of Dark Light
On Top Of It
Teaching Mission Early History
Enjoy these FREE E-Books by Jim Cleveland
Apostles and Rebels
NEW! A provocative and inspiring screenplay of Resurrection and Redemption
Crucifixion of a charismatic street preacher in Jerusalem triggers a series of interlocking conflicts in a wicked city, already under an uneasy Jewish-Roman truce.
Governor Pontius Pilate, with a dysfunctional household, tries to rationalize his conundrum between two corrupt hierarchies and his execution of a confounding, silent man of peace. His pawn …
Judas, the betrayer, who comes to angry grips with his own betrayal by the Jewish Sanhedrin and makes critical life choices.
Apostle Peter struggles to overcome the guilt of his cowardice and rally with the newly empowered Spirit of Truth within.
Corrupt clerics contend with radical Zealots, who have a newly created martyr for their violent rebellion. abetted by disillusioned and vengeful apostle Simon.
Arthos, a conflicted Roman soldier, interacts with a confused band of apostles, first trying to escape the city, but subsequently empowered by Spirit to confront their fates and announce a risen savior on the mount of Gethsemane.
From Nazareth comes Mary, the mother of a dead and disgraced son, to reclaim a body which mysteriously disappears. She explores her son’s relationship with an enigmatic Mary Magdalene in his ministry. She watches Joshua’s mission amazingly transformed into the seeds of a world-wide religion.
100 lessons for 100 days to grow spiritually from the Teaching Mission corps and Christ Michael. Compiled by Jim Cleveland